Moss Agate
Abundance | Success
Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings, it attracts new business opportunities. It is believed to improve wealth & self-esteem. Moss agate enhances concentration, endurance & success in one’s endeavours.
Wealth | Happiness
Citrine is also known as the “stone of wealth”. It is a gemstone of happiness & abundance. Citrine brings positive energy to help create wealth & success.
Abundance | Positivity
Known as the Gem of the Sun, Peridot symbolizes strength. Peridot exudes positivity and warmth. It is an uplifting stone that promotes abundance, happiness and wealth.
Green Aventurine
Luck | Prosperity
Green Aventurine is a stone of prosperity, thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favour in competitions or games of chance.
Phantom Quartz
Balance | Positivity
Phantom Quartz grounds excessive emotions & helps one to feel balanced. It encourages positivity & dissolves negativity.
In Feng Shui, when the “phantom” is collected on one side of the beads, resembling a “wealth pot”(聚宝盆), it is believed to be an excellent wealth & luck magnet.
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